

Jane Hawken

1999-The Michael J. Keen Award

B.Sc. (Honours) Thesis

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Detailed wide angle Ocean Bottom Seismometer and vertical incidence multichannel seismic (MCS) data were collected along three main transects across the Newfoundland Shelf as part of the Study of Continental Rifting and Extension on the Eastern Canadian sHelf (SCREECH). Extending from continental to oceanic crust these lines were acquired to study structures formed during the Mesozoic rifting of the Grand Banks and Iberia margins. Line 306, an auxiliary MCS line parallel to the seaward portion of the southern most transect line 3mcs2, was processed. This processing sequence included common mid-point sorting, frequency filtering, and normal moveout corrections prior to stacking and post stack finite difference migration. This processing confirmed the continuity of basement highs adjacent to oceanic crust on the seaward end of line 3MCS2. Results from processing show a single basement high in the ocean continent transition on line 306. These structures are interpreted as fault blocks which represent tectonic activity prior to the onset of seafloor spreading.

Pages: 40
Supervisor: Keith Louden