

Bryan Rae


B.Sc. Research Thesis

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The Mooseland gold deposit, situated on the Mooseland-Gegogan Anticline, is a steep tight chevron structure. The deposit consists of mainly stratabound veins in slate or metasiltstone intervals of the metasandstone dominated Goldenville Formation of the Meguma Group. This study involves an interpretation of the 220.5m ML-03-86 diamond drill core, obtained from the west zone of the Mooseland gold deposit. The ML-03-86 drill core has been interpretated into a continuous digital section. The study provides good information on the spatial relationships of features within the Mooseland gold district. Such information seems important in overall understanding of the deposit. The study documents the distribution of lithologies, veining, bleaching, oikocrysts, and sulphides. There are strong spatial relationships between features in the deposit. Outside of the deposit these features are relatively unaccounted for, suggesting a genetic relationship. This study provided information on the character of the deposit. The information presented provides a number of conclusions that help define the Mooseland gold district, with possible analogue for other deposits in the Meguma Group. The study documents the prevalent bleaching alteration in the deposit and its distribution. Arsenopyrite in the Mooseland deposit is veinlet controlled and increases down hole. Bleaching in the deposit is associated with pyrrhotite mineralization. Large oikocrysts are spatially associated varying vein types. The size of oikocrysts varied, based on distance to veins.

Pages: 71
Supervisor: Rick Horne